Connor Curtis

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Position: Defense
Height: 5’9
Weight: 150 lbs.
Shoots: Left
Hometown: Whitby, Ontario
Birthdate: December 27, 2001

No. 22

Also plays for the Whitby Warriors (Jr. C) and Trent University Excalibur men’s lacrosse team… Helped Trent win the 2022 Baggataway Cup… Won silver medals at OFSSA in 2018 and at the 2016 midget field provincials… Models his game after Shawn Williams… Also plays basketball… Outside lacrosse, works as a general labourer while completing his studies in Geography at Trent… Favourite pre-game meal is pasta… Says Will Ferrell would play him in the movie of his life… Has one dog, a Siberian Husky named Koda and two goldfish named Buggsy and Timothy… Thinks he could win the game show Bullsh*t with Howie Mandel…

“Historically, Peterborough has had many great teams at all levels of lacrosse. Being provided with the opportunity to play for another great Peterborough team feels amazing. I cannot wait to suit up and go to battle with this group of men.”

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